Sunday, October 19, 2008

I've been thinking more and more about sound design by way of separating lots of channels into a space (having lots of speakers scattered all with different sounds). Today I saw a really simple demonstration of building a speaker out of tin foil and an RCA cable on the internet. I wish tin foil was less expensive, so I could build a towering monster with a mean face and scary noises to boot. ...maybe then I could get that damned stray cat to stop peering in at me from my windowsill. It really creeps me out.

Stockhausen is the man, when it comes to designing sound for multichannel systems. You probably don't have 12 speakers hooked up to your computer, but at least tis might give some sense of his style:

1 comment:

lindsay said...

until you can afford all the tin foil you need you should just get a squirt gun for that rascally cat...
harmless, yet gets the job done.
By the way... I'm typing "job" but in my head it sounds like "yob" like maybe I am swedish.
